Hi, I'm Perfect
Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosting by Photobucket BUT MOST PEOPLE CALL ME KATHARINE Image hosting by Photobucket I AM SEVENTEEN Image hosted by Photobucket.com I LIKE TO RUN. I'M MOST ATTRACTIVE WHEN IM A SWEATY MESS. Image hosted by Photobucket.com YEA, I KNOW, I'M PRETTY COOL. Image hosting by Photobucket IN REAL LIFE, I'M EVEN COOLER Image hosting by Photobucket I'D LIKE TO PURSUE A CAREER AS A PRINCESS Image hosting by Photobucket I THINK I'D MAKE A PRETTY DAMN GOOD ROYALTY Image hosted by Photobucket.com MY SISTER AND I ARE GOD'S GIFTS TO EARTH Image hosted by Photobucket.com DAMN RIGHT Image hosted by Photobucket.com SHE'S SO DARN CUTE, I COULD JUST EAT HER UP Image hosted by Photobucket.com SO, YOU KNOW, CALL ME SOME TIME.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Changing your hair is risky business. Watching as you put your life in someone else’s hands is quite possibly the scariest thing to watch, especially through a mirror with surrounding halogen light bulbs. You can’t really ask if your hairdresser knows what he/she is doing because that’s kind of like an insult and they are, after all, the ones with the scissors. All you can do is helplessly watch passively as chunks of your hair fall to the ground. The problem I find is that after your hairdresser washes your hair and you tell them how short you want your hair cut, the length of your wet hair becomes distorted. Your haircut usually turns out an inch or two shorter than what you expected and, if lucky, it doesn’t turn out too bad. Even scarier is taking the chance to dye your hair because pick ONE shade off and you look like a disaster. Hairdressers play tricks with you when they have all those hair magazines lying around because you become enamored with how good looking the models are with their hair and think that if you get your hair styled the same way, you’ll look just as good. Maybe that’s just me, but I fell victim to it. So for future haircuts, caveat emptor…in a way.

Princess Katharine [ 5:26 PM ]

Blogger Maureen said...

The solution then is to ask your mother to cut your hair. Especially if you need a perm.

5:31 PM  

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Monday, July 10, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAirplanes really try to degrade you and lower your self-esteem. Naturally, one would think it most logical to board a plane from the back-forward. However, of the six planes i've been on in the past 2 weeks, all the planes seem to board from the front-backward, which causes a lot of traffic among people trying to put their luggage in the overhead compartment or getting to their seats. The first class/executive class/business class/the people who get really comfortable seats class are always seated in the front of the plane, so naturally, they get to board first. However, think of how that affects the regular passengers in the main cabin; watching the first class passengers watch them board-you wonder what goes on in their minds. Maybe something like, "if you had worked a little harder, i wouldnt be here watching you." I guess maybe the airline thinks it's motivational or soemthing. Like, if you see all the first class citizens judging you, you'll be pushed to work harder so that one day, you can board the plane first, sit in a comfortable seat with lots of leg room, and watch the other passengers board. Oh, airplane, what an inspiration you are for me to work hard.

Princess Katharine [ 3:17 AM ]

Blogger Maureen said...

Yes I love capitalism. No money buys you cramped seating in the peanut gallery.

1:37 AM  

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Socks seem to be the most annoying type of apparel around. They are so easy to forget about, yet, they are very essential to the everyday outfit. Wearing sneakers without socks is a calamitous disaster, you might as well dump your shoes in toxic waste if you're going to go sockless in shoes. Socks are also nettling because you have to pair them. At first, if you think you can replace a lost sock with another, think again, because soon afterwards, your entire sock collection is depleted. However, it's so difficult not to lose socks. They're so tiny that they burrow in corners of a room, behind shelves, underneath beds, between the crack of the bed and well. Laundry is a burden as well. Every other type of clothing that you fold is singular and easy to handle because you don't need to worry about finding another pair. Socks, on the other hand, you have to dig and rip through the pile to find the other pair. Then when you carry the laundry to your room, socks disturb the balance of laundry. Everything else is neatly piled on top of one of another, but socks are an awkward shape and ruin the equilibrium of all the other clothing. Socks, who knew something so little could be such a burden.

Princess Katharine [ 2:37 PM ]

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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingIt’s funny, yet tormenting at the same time knowing the great impact one simple decision could have made. Perhaps pain is a paradox? According to the movie, Mystic River, Hitler’s mother almost had an abortion. Contemplate the great difference that could have made on world history. It’s torturous thinking of what could have been and then comparing it to the present situation. One simple decision could mean the difference of life and death. Perhaps the ramifications are not so drastic in most real world situations, but the point is made clear that one choice could mean all the difference. One simple decision that would not have taken much more effort to make than the decision that you had made could have altered everything for the better. After reading John Milton’s Paradise Lost and writing a five million page essay on it, you begin to wonder what God was thinking when he gave humans free will. Had he not given Adam and Eve free will, humankind would not be doomed and theologically speaking, we would all live in the perfection of Paradise. I wish that turning back the hands of the clock was not such a farcical notion, but I suppose there is no use lamenting in what could have been. We all learn from the past.

Princess Katharine [ 9:52 AM ]

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Saturday, May 13, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI’m sure everyone has or will have the following type of experience. It’s always awkward when you see someone with a piece of spinach stuck in their teeth or if someone’s fly is open. Following this type of situation is two sub situations. Number one: The person whose fly is open or has the spinach stuck in his/her teeth is your friend. Of course, one naturally wants to help his or her friend, but sometimes, there situations can be awkward. If you tell your friend his/her fly is open, it’s not like you want your friend to think that you are looking at his or her crotch when you are talking to them or that you aren’t really paying attention to the conversation, but the spinach stuck between his/her teeth. Conversely, if you don’t tell your friend, he/she might get the wrong idea that you are purposely trying to sabotage his/her appearance. The second situation is if the fly opening or spinach in teeth is a stranger. When is it okay to tell someone you notice something wrong with his/her appearance? Being altruistic, I enjoy the satisfaction of helping others. However, when is it okay to tell someone that his/her fly is open? It’s embarrassing enough because zipping up your pants is almost like breathing and you don’t want people to think you enjoy staring at people’s crotches. Being a good Samaritan can be so difficult at times.

Princess Katharine [ 4:00 PM ]

Blogger Maureen said...

You forgot about the nipply girls. Ewww... Like padded bras HAVE been invented you know. No one needs to be reminded of how cold it is.

11:15 PM  

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Sunday, May 07, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingIs it just me, or are you also tempted to do things that you're not allowed to do? The forbidden fruits of life are always so tempting and sometimes you just can't help yourself. For example, I know the ozone layer is rapidly depleting, faciliating the entrance of harmful UV rays into the atmosphere. As much as the media keeps telling me that I should resist from lying out in the sun without mounds of sunscreen, I can't help but desire that beautiful, bronze, lustrous tan. Like a Siren, the sun seems to beckon me to lie outside. Almost as if possessed, I find myself lying outside (not topless anymore since that last incident...) lavishing myself in the sun's deadly rays and thinking to myself, "What a farcical idea; me getting skin cancer, pshaw." Perhaps in 10 years when i look like a leather purse, I'll think back to today and how silly of a young girl i was. Until then, I'll enjoy my time baking in the sun and bask in my youth.

Princess Katharine [ 1:15 PM ]

Blogger Maureen said...

I hear the paternal unit is a big fan of your tanning.

4:12 AM  

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI feel like kids being born in the late 1990s and early 2000s are being ripped off in the movie industry. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the era of Disney interpretations of Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast, all of which were high quality children's movies. However, recently, Disney hasn't been doing so hot. With movies like Brother Bear and Cinderella XI: The Saga of Cinderella's Grand-grand-grand Children, these poor children are not watching the same paramount films as those of my time were able to enjoy. These movies have completely lost all meaning and kids can't experience the same great movie-going experience as they deserve. And those poor parents! Having to sit through 90 minutes of sappy and corny scripts and pay $16+ for tickets. Those insipid Disney cartoonists with their vapid minds need to shape up Disney because it isn't really all that of a wonderful world anymore. I suppose I shouldn't castigate them too much...at least they can draw better than I can.

Princess Katharine [ 4:47 PM ]

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